Splash Pic

Home Screen

  1. Mafioso: How many members are in your mafia. These are all gained form the game, none of that friending half of facebook bullshit.
  2. Skill Points: How many skill points you currently have that can be spent.
  3. Crypto Coins: Use these to upgrade your attack or defence loot by buying loot pack upgrades.
  4. Cash: How much money you have.
  5. Stamina: Points used for fighting. Some things require more points than others.
  6. Energy: Points used for doing jobs. Some things require more points than others.
  7. Level: How tough you are, sort of, but only to a point.
  8. XP: The amount of experience you have, and the amount of experience you need to get to the next level.
  9. Energy Boosts: How many energy boosts you currently have. The buttons up under the skill points are clickable for one boost at a time. Use the big red buttons to the right to collect more at once.
  10. Stamina Boosts: How many stamina boosts you currently have. The buttons up under the skill points are clickable for one boost at a time. Use the big red buttons to the right to collect more at once.
  11. Crypto Currency: How many crypto boosts you currently have. The buttons up under the skill points are clickable for one boost at a time. Use the big red buttons to the right to collect more at once.
  12. The Vault: In the pic, the red buttons will collect boosts and turn them into energy, stamina and crypto. If you click this vault button, it sends everything to your vault.
  13. Info & Explanations: Useful information as long as you understand Twuntspeak.
  14. Vault Tab: Opens the Vault to do vaulty type things.
  15. Health: If you have some, you are alive. If you don't, you are dead.
  16. City Button: Lets you switch between cities (games).
  17. Padrino Godfather: Where to go to buy things like stamina and energy refills, buy credits, spend credits, much like the original game.
  18. Feed: This will eventually show a fight feed.
  19. Jobs tab: Opens the jobs screen.
  20. Profile: Opens your profile where you can spend skill points, see your stats, change you name and avatar, buy loot packs, reset your account, back up your account, or load a backup (useful for tinkering maybe?)
  21. Clans: Should show you a screen that has the clan you belong to, and all the other clans.
  22. Home: Brings you to this screen.
  23. Fight tab: will bring you to a fight screen where you can go PvP.