A short time ago, on a tiny crusty linux box, not so far far away...


Hell Has Officially
Thawed Out

12/30/24 20:53
That is the sound of inevitability

Welcome back to war. It was a certainty it would happen. That's just how peenix rolls. Only difference is we know they are cheating their asses off. We suspected it for some time, cat's out of the bag now. Congrats losers. Couldn't keep up with the real players without cheating.

Holy mobsters Batman!! Mike is everywhere!

We don't know how he does it! Mike is so clever and studly. Clearly a superior mobster. Yeah it's taking me a while to change the names on all of my accounts, but it's fun. Might change some more later. Maybe some of them actually are Mike, maybe they aren't Mike. Maybe Mike has moles in Phoenix? Maybe I have moles in Phoenix? The mind wonders...

Hear ye Hear ye!

Mike Hughes has keys to every single account in the game. We know this is an absolute truth because Dave Rudal tells us this on a regular basis.

That is all.

You're still here? Go away! You have an unhealthy obsession with this page. I mean, it's cool and all, but it's not that cool.